Allied Aftermath Missions Walkthrough - Red Alert Archive (2024)

Allied Aftermath Missions Walkthrough

This page contains tips and tactics for completing every Allied mission on the Aftermath CD.

A general tip for all the missions is to save the game each time you complete a difficult part of the mission so that you can easily return to that point if you lose the mission. Save the missions in separare slots so that you can return to various points in the mission.

Harbor Reclamation
Things get hot pretty quickly. Kill the spy before he can report; plopdown a barracks building and train three riflemen. By scattering a fewpillboxes around your base, you can more or less forget about having todefend your base. The pillboxes do the job automatically.

The key to completing this mission is to prevent the Soviet forces fromearning any money. When they earn money, they turn it into tanks andbombs, and that's not really in your best interest. So send a group ofmedium tanks into the heart of the northern ore field. Sit here andblast the Soviet ore trucks into oblivion.

Follow your tanks around with a pair of mechanics and attack the baseon the left side of the ore. As long as you keep the mechanics behindthe tanks, you'll be invincible. It's just like having an iron curtain.

Next, send in some engineers to capture the weapons factory and otherbuildings. Sprinkle pillboxes around this base just like you did inyour first. Some V2 launchers would come in handy to take out some ofthose Tesla coil emplacements in the base that remains to the east. Mopup at your leisure. There won't be any more surprises.

In the Nick of Time
Mass your tanks into a single group. Proceed along the path, destroyingenemy tanks with concentrated firepower and squashing the enemyinfantry as you move along. Throw the full force of your armor againstthe Tesla coil and destroy it before it can kill more than one or twoof your units.

The reinforcements you receive should make up for any casualties. Thedemolition truck is too much of a wildcard to have tag alongside yourtroops. Get rid of it as quickly as you can. Rescue the prisoners inthe village to get a medic and mechanic. If you can repair yourchronotanks before the attack choppers destroy them completely, you'llhave a strong anti-air presence for the duration of the mission.

When you send your spy north, some reinforcements will fall out of thesky. Unfortunately, they happen to be in range of a nearby Tesla coil.You can kill the coil by shooting some nearby barrels.

Capture the barracks and the power plant that are in the northeastcorner of the map. Build an engineer and some more ground troops.There's a minefield just to the left of where you are now, but you canforce-fire on the ground to clear them all up.

Rush the west base with your tank hordes. Your target priorities arethe ore refineries, the barracks, and the weapons factory. Slip anengineer into the HQ building to free the prisoners. Once free, getthem back across the bridge and to the signal flare. As long as younever stop running, you'll have a hassle-free journey to the pickuppoint.

Caught in the Act
The object of this mission is to hop Tanya from one island to theother, freeing prisoners as you go along. If you shoot them personally,Tanya can kill legions of enemy soldiers. But if you look away for evena second, you'll be scraping her ponytail off the ground. Weighing thechoice between saving prisoners and killing soldiers is what thismission is all about.

Your first stop is the island to the north. After you kill thesoldiers, load Tanya and the prisoners into the water transport. Allbut one - leave that soldier up by the crate. The crate will heal allyour units back to full health, but you should save it for a rainy day.

When Tanya hits the second island, your friends will send a transportchopper to make your island-hopping easier. No sooner does it land,however, then a pack of MiG fighters try to blow it up. The veryinstant the chopper touches down, select it and move it away. Thefighters' rockets will impact harmlessly on the surface. There's ahealing crate on this island also. Again, leave someone who can pick itup in an emergency.

The enemy attack helicopters are big, noisy nuisances. The moment yourreinforcements touch down, the enemy choppers cut them to pieces. Thesolution is to load the rocket infantry into the transport helicopter,then shove Tanya in after them. Tanya kills the soldiers, and therocket infantry kill the enemy attack choppers.

Don't let any of your rocket infantry die! You need every one of themfor later. As they stand before the gates of death, pick up one of theheal crates you left behind. Viola! What a miraculous recovery! Enemysubs dot the waters, and your gunboats will take a beating unless youkill the subs with the "shoot while moving" technique.

When you arrive at the northeast island, send your spy along withTanya. Breach a hole in the wall with your rocket infantry and sendTanya and the spy through to the radar dome. Infiltrate the dome withyour spy to muck things up for the bad guys.

The northwest island seems impenetrable, but it isn't. When your tanksarrive, run over the enemy soldiers, but don't venture too far to thenorth or west. Otherwise, the Tesla coils will rip them apart. Yourdestroyers have an advantage of range, though, so you can safely shootat the Tesla coils from the water. All you have to do to finish themission is land the rest of your troops on the shore and destroy thetech center.

Production Disruption
Separate the doctor from the soldiers. He's easily the most valuableasset on the field and you can't afford to let him get injured. You canstill heal your injured soldiers in the middle of a firefight, but doit from a safe distance.

Destroying the two power plants will net you a couple of demolitiontrucks and a handful of engineers. Detonate the demolition trucksagainst the flame turrets to open the way for your engineers. Get theminto the radar dome to capture it.

Your reward is a gift of three chronotanks. Move these tanks to thenortheast until you reach the northernmost tip of the island. The subpen is over to your left, but you'll never destroy it from this side ofthe wall. Chronoshift the tanks over to the little island by the subpen and fire away!

Blow up the SAM sites to the east so that your helicopterreinforcements can destroy the flame turret blocking your way. Oncepast the barricade, kill the soldiers attacking the farmhouse. Afriendly little fellow will pop out and lead you to the hostages.

The hostages, when freed, will follow Tanya's every move. Get her backto the church in the bottom-right corner of the map. You may have onehairy moment when a tank blocks your path across the river, but you canduck into the forest to evade it. There's also a crate there, next tothe tree.

Tanya will signal for reinforcements when you return her to the landingzone. Winning the mission is a matter of killing the remaining tanksand infantry. The mechanic can keep your tanks in tiptop condition.

Monster Tank Madness
Capture the power plant and the sub pen. Remember that you must damagethem both into the red before you can take them over. Steal creditsfrom the silo and use the money to make a water transport. Landeveryone on the shore to the north.

Repair the power plants and start gathering ore from the field just toyour south. Send a spy to the east. Avoid the bridge, and follow thelay of the land until you find the brick wall. Get him into the radardome to turn the super tanks against their creators. What a greatdiversion!

Now you can rescue the scientist. Send an empty APC to the village inthe south. Load the scientist into the APC and scoot back to base. Onceback, get him out of the APC and into the chopper.

Time Flies
The first half of the mission is very straightforward. Destroy theradar domes as you hop from one island to the next. There are no realobstacles. The chronotank's missiles are very effective against theflame turrets that are scattered about. If you see what looks liketrouble, you can leapfrog over it. Bringing down the SAM coverage isn'tthe end of it. Your reinforcements won't come until Tanya blows up thepower plants for the remaining Tesla coil. Once you get the MCV, deployit at the base of the northern plateau.

Everything ever said about cutting off the enemy's ore supply goesdouble here. The heat comes quickly since they have four ore trucksgathering ore from the southern field. To kill them and their escorts,storm the ore field with six or seven medium tanks as a coordinatedgroup.

Without the revenue from ore, the Soviets can not produce any newunits. The Tesla coils still pose a problem, though. Send a spy intothe northeastern base and locate the coils. After destroying the coilswith helicopters, send in a group of tanks to knock out the firstmissile silo.

Send the same spy into the southern base. This time, locate the powerplants. Chronoshift a few chronotanks and destroy the power plants.Without juice, the remaining Tesla coils are powerless to stop yourmain advance.

Absolute M.A.D.ness
At regular intervals, invisible M.A.D tanks will wreck havoc on yourunits and buildings. The only way to stop them is to destroy the M.A.Dfacility located on a remote island. To do this, sneak spies into threetechnology centers.

Start off by repairing the damaged buildings. To the south, past someforest, large patches of gems await to be gathered by your ore truck.Use the money to construct power plants, pillbox defenses, and torepair your base. Once you use up the gems, start gathering ore fromthe huge field of gold to the right of your base.

Send your first spy south. Ignore all the intimidating defensivestructures and head straight into the technology center. With the dogson full alert, it will be impossible to infiltrate the remainingcenters undetected. You can build an APC, though, and stick the spyinside. Send the first APC to the east. Don't bother to shoot anything,but if you can run over some dogs, so much the better. Just find thetech center and get the spy inside. Do the same thing for the techcenter in the southeast.

When the flares pop up on the island, use your chronotanks' inherentabilities. Materialize on top of soldiers for an automatic squish. Runover the remaining soldiers, then destroy the facility and theconstruction yard. So much for the M.A.D tanks. The iron curtain islocated in the southeast, right by the technology center. Churn out ahorde of medium tanks and bulldoze the remaining buildings.

Since the Soviets receive an unlimited supply of tanks and aircraftwithout having to refine any ore, this mission will take a while.That's not to say that you shouldn't go after the enemy ore trucks;just don't be surprised to see MiGs and Tesla tanks materialize out ofnothing.

There's a fair bit of micro-management to do. Move some of theartillery to cover the spots that don't have any anti-infantry defense,and move some of the rocket infantry away from the very edge of thebase. When you come under attack, the idea is to kill the infantryusing pillboxes and artillery, and to destroy the vehicles usingturrets and tanks. The rocket infantry are there to shoot downaircraft. After the initial onslaught, repair your damaged buildings.If you need to repair a vehicle, don't use the repair bay, but train amechanic instead. It's more cost-effective. Mine the narrow pathways tothe north, the west, and the east. There's a bridge in the eastern areathat you should blow up. It will force the enemy units to come throughthe narrow eastern gap. You'll have to make several minelayer trips,but a thickly seeded minefield will do a lot of the dirty work for you.

There's a crate full of money under the oil field outside your eastgate. If you can wait until the enemy paratroopers arrive beforelighting them up, you'll take a fair number out in the process. Otherthan that, sit tight until reinforcements arrive.

Once you get the MCV, sell your fake structures and replace them withthe genuine articles. Construct a refinery and an advanced power plantwhere the fake weapons factories used to be. Splatter camouflagedpillboxes inside and outside your base and stick a couple of AA gunsout over your north wall.

You can get a couple of destroyers just by exploring the terrain to thenortheast. Move them to the west shoreline so that they can supportyour tank attacks and protect you from aircraft. If you want anothercrate, look under the supply truck near the church in the northwest.This is a great spot for setting up an ore truck ambush. Five tanks ofany size will be more than enough for the task.

As you move around the ore field, some tanks and a mechanic will landin the very upper-left corner of the map. Your purpose here is toambush the second Soviet ore truck and destroy the airfields. It's notcritical that you destroy them all, but every little bit helps.

The only way into the Soviet compound is to throw tanks at the Sovietdefenses. Send five or six medium tanks at a time against one of theTesla coils, and fall back when you destroy it. Repeat as necessary. Bysetting up a staging area by the destroyers, you can make your jobeasier. Stage some mechanics and medics here to quickly repair yourdamaged tanks. Keep chipping away at the Soviet turrets and towers, andyou'll eventually destroy the whole base.

Author: Jarrod Hampton
Source: The Aftermath Strategy Guide

Allied Aftermath Missions Walkthrough - Red Alert Archive (2024)
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