Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (2024)

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Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (2)Open access peer-reviewed chapter

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Jung Yoog Kang

Reviewed: 22 February 2020 Published: 11 May 2020

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.91862

IntechOpen Number Theory and Its Applications Edited by Cheon Seoung Ryoo

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Number Theory and Its Applications

Edited by Cheon Seoung Ryoo

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Nowadays, many mathematicians have great concern about pq-numbers, which are various applications, and have studied these numbers in many different research areas. We know that pq-numbers are different to q-numbers because of the symmetric property. We find the addition theorem, recurrence formula, and pq-derivative about sigmoid polynomials including pq-numbers. Also, we derive the relevant symmetric relations between pq-sigmoid polynomials and pq-Euler polynomials. Moreover, we observe the structures of appreciative roots and fixed points about pq-sigmoid polynomials. By using the fixed points of pq-sigmoid polynomials and Newton’s algorithm, we show self-similarity and conjectures about pq-sigmoid polynomials.


  • (p
  • q)-sigmoid numbers
  • (p
  • q)-sigmoid polynomials
  • (p
  • q)-Euler polynomials
  • roots structure
  • fixed point

Author Information

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  • Jung Yoog Kang*

    • Department of Mathematics Education, Silla University, Busan, Republic of Korea

*Address all correspondence to:

1. Introduction

In 1991, Chakrabarti and Jagannathan [1] introduced the pq-number in order to unify varied forms of q-oscillator algebras in physics literature. Around the same time, Brodimas et al. and Arik et al. independently discovered the pq-number (see [2, 3]). Contemporarily, Wachs and White [4] introduced the pq-number in mathematics literature by certain combinatorial problems without any connection to the quantum group related to mathematics and physics literature.

For any nC, the pq-number is defined by


Thereby, several physical and mathematical problems lead to the necessity of pq-calculus. Based on the aforementioned papers, many mathematicians and physicists have developed the pq-calculus in many different research areas (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]).

Definition 1.1. Let z be any complex numbers with z<1. The two forms of pq-exponential functions are defined by


The useful relation of two forms of pq-exponential functions is taken by


In [9], Corcino created the theorem of pq-extension of binomials coefficients and found various properties which are related to horizontal function, triangular function, and vertical function.

Definition 1.2. Let nk. pq-Gauss Binomial coefficients are defined by


where np,q!=np,qn1p,q1p,q.

In 2013, Sadjang [21] derived some properties of the pq-derivative, pq-integration and investigated two pq-Taylor formulas for polynomials.

Definition 1.3. We define the pq-derivative operator of any function f, also referred to as the Jackson derivative, as follows:


and Dp,qf0=f0.

If tx=k=0nakxk then Dp,qtx=k=0n1ak+1k+1p,qxk, since Dp,qzn=np,qzn1. This equation is equivalent to the pq-difference equation in q with known f, Dp,qgx=fx..

Theorem 1.4. This operator, Dp,q, has the following basic properties:

iDerivative ofaproductDp,qfxgx=fpxDp,qgx+gqxDp,qfx=gpxDp,qfx+fqxDp,qgx.E6

iiDerivative ofaratioDp,qfxgx=gqxDp,qfxfqxDp,qgxgpxgqx=gpxDp,qfxfpxDp,qgxgpxgqx.E7

Let f be an arbitrary function. In [7], we note that the definition of pq- integral is


In 2016, Araci et al. [6] introduced a new class of Bernoulli, Euler and Genocchi polynomials based on the theory of pq-number and found some properties including difference equations, addition theorem, recurrence relations were derived. We observe some special properties and roots structures of Bernoulli, Euler, and tangent polynomials (see [4, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]). In particular, roots structures and fixed points of tangent polynomials including q-numbers are shown in a different shape by [17].

Definition 1.5. pq-Euler polynomials are defined by


Several studies have investigated the sigmoid function for various applications (see [11, 12, 15, 16]). For example, a variant sigmoid function with three parameters has been employed to explain hybrid sigmoidal networks [10] and sigmoid function has been defined using flexible sigmoidal mixed models based on logistic family curves for medical applications [11, 12, 15].

Definition 1.6. We define the sigmoid polynomials as follows:


One of the most widely used methods of solving equations is Newton’s method. This method is also based on a linear approximation of the function, but does so using a tangent to the curve. Starting from an initial estimate that is not too far from a root x, we extrapolate along the tangent to its intersection with the x-axis, and take that as the next approximation. This is continued until either the successive x-values are sufficiently close, or the value of the function is sufficiently near zero.

The calculation scheme follows immediately from the right triangle, which has the angle of inclination of the tangent line to the curve at x=x1 as one of its acute angles:


We continue the calculation scheme by computing


or, in more general terms,


Newton’s algorithm is widely used because, at least in the near neighborhood of a root, it is more rapidly convergent than any of the methods so far discussed. The method is quadratically convergent, by which we mean that the error of each step approaches a constant K times the square of the error of the previous step. The net result of this is that the number of decimal places of accuracy nearly doubles at each iteration. However, offsetting this is the need for two function evaluations at each step, fxn and fxn. We now use the result to show a criterion for convergence of Newton’s method. Consider the form xn+1=gxn. Successive iterations converge if gx<1. Since


Hence if


on an interval about the root r, the method will converge for any initial value x1 in the interval. The condition is sufficient only, and requires the unusual continuity and existence of fx and its derivatives. Note that fx must not zero. In addition, Newton’s method is quadratically convergent and we can apply this method to polynomials.

Let f:DD be a complex function, with D as a subset of C. We define the iterated maps of the complex function as the following:


The iterates of f are the functions f,ff,fff,, which are denoted f1,f2,f3,. If zC, and then the orbit of z0 under f is the sequence <z0,fz0,ffz0,>.

Definition 1.7. The orbit of the point z0C under the action of the function f is said to be bounded if there exists MR such that fnz0<M for all nN. If the orbit is not bounded, it is said to be unbounded.

Definition 1.8. Let f:DC be a transformation on a metric space. A point z0D such that fz0=z0 is called a fixed point of the transformation.

We know that the fixed point is divided as follows. Suppose that the complex function f is analytic in a region D of C, and f has a fixed point at z0D. Then z0 is said to be:

an attracting fixed point if fz0<1;

a repelling fixed point if fz0>1;

a neutral fixed point if fz0=1.

If z0 is an attracting fixed point of f, then there exists a neighborhood of A such that if bA the orbit b converges to z0. Attractive fixed points of a function have a basin of attraction, which may be disconnected. The component which contains the fixed point is called the immediate basin of attraction. If z0 is a repelling periodic point of f, then there is a neighborhood of N such that if bN, there are points in the orbit of b which are not in N. In the case of polynomials of degree greater than 0 and some rational functions, is also called an attracting fixed point, as, for each such function, f, there exist R>0 such that if z>R then fnz as n.

Based on the above, the contents of the paper are as follows. Section 2 checks the properties of pq-sigmoid polynomials. For example, we look for addition theorem, recurrence relation, differential, etc. and find the properties associated with the symmetric property and pq-Euler polynomials. Section 3 identifies the structure and accumulation of roots of pq-sigmoid polynomials based on the contents of Section 2 and checks the contents related to the fixed points. Also, we use Newton’s method to obtain a iterative function of pq-sigmoid polynomials to identify the domain leading to the fixed points.


2. Some properties and identities of pq-sigmoid polynomials

This section introduces about pq-sigmoid numbers and polynomials. From the generating function of these polynomials, we can observe some of the basic properties and identities of this polynomials. In particular, we can show the forms of pq-derivative, symmetric properties, and relations of pq-Euler polynomials for pq-sigmoid polynomials.

Definition 2.1. We define pq-sigmoid polynomials as following:


In the Definition 2.1, if x=0 we can see that


so we can be called Sn,p,q is pq-sigmoid numbers. We note that ep,q0=pn2 because of the property for pq-exponential function. If p=1 in the Definition 2.1, then one holds


where Sn,qx is q-sigmoid polynomials. Moreover, if p=1,q1 in the generation function of pq-sigmoid polynomials, we have


where Snx is sigmoid polynomials (see [16]).

Theorem 2.2. Let be q/p<1. Then we get


Proof. i Consider that ep,qt1. Then we can see


Using power series of pq-exponential function in the equation above (16) and Cauchy product, we can compare both-sides as following:


that is shown the required result of Theorem 2.2 i.

ii This equation is a recurrence formulae of pq-sigmoid numbers. We omit the proof of Theorem 2.2 ii since we can find the result for pq-sigmoid numbers to calculating the same method i.

Based on the results from Definition 2.1 and Theorem 2.2, can be taken a few pq-sigmoid numbers and polynomials can be calculated by using computer. We can observe that some of the pq-sigmoid numbers are S0,p,q=1/2, S1,p,q=1/4p+q, S2,p,q=1/8p+qp23pq+q2, S3,p,q=1/16pqp+qp24pq+q2p2+pq+q2, S4,p,q=1/32p2+q2p84p7q4p6q2+7p5q3+8p4q4+7p3q54p2q64pq7+q8, .

Example 2.3. Some of the pq-sigmoid polynomials are:

S0,p,qx=12S1,p,qx=141+2xS2,p,qx=18p+q+2p+qx+4px2S3,p,qx=116q31+2x+2p2q1+2x2+2pq21+2x2+p312x+4x2+8x3S4,p,qx=1323p2q41+2x+q61+2x+4p3q3x1+x+2x2+132p4q21+2x3+4x2+pq532x+4x2+p5q32x+8x3+132p61+2x12x+4x2+8x3. E18

Theorem 2.4. Let k be a nonnegative integer. Then we obtain


Proof. i Using the definition of pq-exponential function, we can transform the Definition 2.1 as the follows:


Therefore, we complete the proof of the Theorem 2.4 i at once.

ii We also consider pq-sigmoid polynomials in two parameters. Then we derive


where the required result ii is completed immediately.

Theorem 2.5. Let q/p<1 and k be a nonnegative integer. Then we have


Proof. i Multiplying ep1,q1t in generating function of pq-sigmoid polynomials, we can investigate


Comparing the both-side in the equation above, (23), we find the required results i.

ii Using the same method i, we make the equation ii, so we omit the proof of Theorem 2.5 ii.

Corollary 2.6. From Theorem 2.5, one holds


Theorem 2.7. For q/p<1, pq-derivative of pq-sigmoid polynomials is as the follows:


Proof. Using pq-derivative for Sn,p,qx, we have


Here, we can note that Dp,qxn=pxnqxnpqx=np,qxn1 (see [7]). From the equation above (26), we can transform the equation to


Using the comparison of coefficients in the both-sides, we can find


Applying the Theorem 2.4 i in the equation above, (28), we complete the proof of Theorem 2.7.

Theorem 2.8. Let q/p<1 and pq. Then we investigate


Proof. Applying pq-derivative in the pq-exponential function, we have


which is the required result.

Corollary 2.9. Comparing the Theorem 2.7 and Theorem 2.8, one holds


Corollary 2.10. Putting x=1 in the Theorem 2.7 and Theorem 2.8, one holds


Theorem 2.11. Let q/p<1, pq, and p,q0. Then we obtain


Proof. Using the Theorem 2.8 above, we have


Here, we can obtain that




Applying Eqs. (35) and (36) in the Eq. (34), we can catch the following equation:


Therefore, we can see that


and this shows the required result at once.

Corollary 2.12. From the Theorem 2.11, one holds


Theorem 2.13. Let a,b be any positive integers. Then we find


Proof. Suppose the form A is as the following.


The form A of the equation above (41) can be transformed as


or, equivalently,


Comparing the coefficients of tn in both sides, we find the required result.

Corollary 2.14. Setting a=1 in the Theorem 2.13, one holds


Corollary 2.15. When p=1 and q1 in the Theorem 2.13, one holds


where Snx is the sigmoid polynomials (see [16]).

Theorem 2.16. Let a,b be any integers without 0. Then we obtain


where En,p,qx is the pq-Euler polynomials (see [10]).

Proof. We consider the form B as


The form B of the equation above (47) can be transformed as


Also, we can transform the form B such as


Comparing the equation above (48) and (49), we derive the result of Theorem 2.16. .

Corollary 2.17. Setting a=1 in the Theorem 2.16, one holds


where En,p,qx is the pq-Euler polynomials.

Theorem 2.18. Let a,b be any integers without 0. Then we have


where En,p,qx is the pq-Euler polynomials.

Proof. We set the form C as


In the form C of the equation above (52), we can find that




Comparing the both sides in the equation above (53) and (54), we complete the required result of Theorem 2.18.

Corollary 2.19. Putting a=1 in the Theorem 2.18, one holds


where En,p,qx is the pq-Euler polynomials.


3. Structure and various phenomena of roots of Sn,p,q using the computer

This section mentions the structure of roots of Sn,p,q. Furthermore, based on the previous content, an example of pq-sigmoid polynomials is taken to identify the shape of the fixed points and the iterative function. And by applying it, we can find properties of self-similarity by using Newton’s method.

First, let us find an approximation of the root of pq-sigmoid polynomials. At this time, p and q should not be the same value. If they have the same value, the denominator of pq-sigmoid polynomials will be 0. Consider the roots of S20,p,q. Once we fix the value of q to 0.1 and switch p into 0.9, 0.5, and 0.2, the following Table 1 can be found.


Table 1.

Approximate zeros of S20,p,0.1x.

Here we can see that the approximate values of the roots change as the value of p changes, as the roots always contain two real roots. Therefore, we can make the following assumptions.

Conjecture 3.1. Roots of S20,p,q when p<1, n=20 and q=0.1, always have two real roots.

In the same way, we can find an approximation of the roots when the values of q are changed in order of 0.9, 0.5, and 0.2 and p is fixed at 0.1. In this case, when p=0.1 and q=0.2, the approximate roots of S20,p,q all possess real roots which can be confirmed through Mathematica (x=395824,136973,47951,16837,5912,2076,728,255,89, 31,10,3,1,0,2,19,157,1231,9610,71387).

Table 1 can be illustrated as Figure 1. The figure on the left is when p=0.9 and the figure on the right is when p=0.2. Here we can see that the structure of the roots is changing. The following will identify the structure and the build-up of the roots of Sn,p,q. The structures of approximations roots in polynomials that combine the existing pq-number can be found becoming closer to a circle as the n increases and can be seen that a single root is continuously stacked at a certain point. Also, as the roots continue to pile up near at some point and the larger the n becomes, it can be assumed that S20,p,q becomes closer to the circle. Actually, a picture of S20,p,q can be made using Mathematica.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (4)

The following Figure 2 shows the structure of the roots when n is 0 to 50. When fixed at q=0.1, the figure on the left is when p=0.9 and the right is when p=0.2.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (5)

Three-dimensional identification of Figure 2 shows the following Figure 3. Given the speculation, the roots are piling up near a point (x=1) and as the p approaches 1, the rest of the roots become closer to a circle as the value of n increases.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (6)

Based on the content above, we will now look at fixed points of Sn,p,q. At this point, the value of q is fixed at 0.1 and p is changed to 0.9, 0.5, and 0.2 respectively. This can be found as shown in the following Figure 4. Figure 4 shows a nearly circular appearance and always has the origin. Also, as the value of p decreases, it can be seen that the distance from the origin and the roots increases.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (7)

Similarly, the fixed points in the 3D structure can be checked as shown in Figure 5.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (8)

Conjecture 3.2. Sn,p,q may have one fixed point which is the origin and the rest of the fixed points appear in the form of a circle.

The following is a third polynomial of S3,p,q, using a iterative function to find the approximate value of the fixed point. First, by iterating this third function five times and getting the number of real roots, the value of fixed points will vary depending on the value of p. For p=0.9 and p=0.5, the number of the real roots of each of the five iterated function is 1,1,1,1,1,1, but for p=0.2, 3,3,3,3,3 appears. The structure of the approximate value of the actual fixed point is shown in Figure 6. The top part of Figure 6 is when p=0.9 and the bottom figures represent p=0.2. Typically, most of the roots structures of general polynomials using q-numbers appear a circular shape, but it is difficult to find constant regularity in fixed points. However, sigmoid function including pq-numbers might have a special property for fixed points. In other words, we can guess from Figure 6 that the structure of fixed points for pq-sigmoid polynomials will become a circular shape if n increases tremendously.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (9)

Let us look at the following by observing an application of an iterated S3,p,0.1 using Figure 6. Let us try using the Newton’s method that we know well. Let us divide the values that go to the root of the tertiary function. First, fix p at 0.9 and limit the range of values of x and y from 4 to 4. Then the approximate root of S3,0.9,0.1 becomes 0.936067, 0.1871690.256352i, 0.187169+0.256352i. Also, if the values going to 0.93606 are shown in red, 0.1871690.256352i in blue, 0.187169+0.256352i in yellow, it is shown as the left of Figure 7. The right side of Figure 7 is the picture that comes when S3,0.9,0.1 are iterated twice.

Determination of the Properties of (<em>p</em>, <em>q</em>)‐Sigmoid Polynomials and the Structure of Their Roots (10)

The structure of the roots of Sn,p,q appears to have one value near 1 and become a circular form as the n increases. Also, as the value of p increases, the diameter of the circle increases. A fixed point of Sn,p,q can be seen to have a nearly constant form as p is reduced, which can also confirm an increase in the radius.


4. Conclusion

Sigmoid function is a very important function in deep learning. In the current situation of artificial intelligence development, the properties and speculations of the sigmoid polynomials revealed in this paper in the area of using pq-number could be an useful data in deep learning using activation functions. Through iterating Sn,p,q with these properties, it can be assumed to have self-similarity and can be studied further to confirm new properties.



This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (No. 2017R1E1A1A03070483).


Additional information

Mathematics Subject Classification: 11B68, 11B75, 12D10


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Written By

Jung Yoog Kang

Reviewed: 22 February 2020 Published: 11 May 2020

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