Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (2024)

Devilishly rich, creamy, smooth and velvety… just one bite of this Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake will send you straight to seventh heaven!

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (1)

I wasn’t toosure whether I shouldcall this new devilish creation of mine a NutellaCheesecake or a Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake…

After all, Ferrero Rochers are nothing but a grand,palatialcelebretion of Ferrero’s Nutella,and this cake gives absolute pride of place toboth treats. So I decided that it was going to proudly takeboth its originators’ names, and so it officially became Mr.Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake. (I’m not too sure about the mister thing, but it definitely deserves the appellation!)

Honeslty, though, it doesn’t really matter what it’s called. Whether you’ve been dreaming of one OR the other, this cheesecake is GUARANTEED to satisfy your every wants and needs. It’s the ultimate cake for the trueNutellaand/or Ferrero Rocher lover.

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For starters, unlike many recipes out there, this cake uses A LOT of the dreamy chocolate hazelnut spread, so it doesn’t get lost in asea of otheringredients. The Nutella hereisabundant, it’s in the crust, it’s in the filling AND it’s in the topping… it’s totallyeverywhere, and you can most definitely taste it.

I decided to add Nutella and Rice Krispies cereals to the crust, to give it a mouth feel that would be reminiscentof Ferrero Rochers. I wasn’t quite certain that it would work, but I decided to take the gamble anyway, and let me tell you, it really paid off. This crust was bar none the best darn cheesecake crust that I’ve ever eaten:it’s crunchy, it’s crispy and sort of brittle too at the same time, but it still holds its shape perfectlywell… as for the flavor, I think that you’d only need to coat it in chocolate and you’d have yourself a proper candy bar. Seriously. It’s that good!

The cheese filling contains the most generous amount of the heavenly hazelnut spread. I’m happy I added that much because it not only passed on a lot of its delicious flavor, but it also made that filling extra creamy and silky and lusciously smooth. I added a little bit of melted chocolate too, if only to helpdeepen the color and flavor of the chocolate in the filling. Again— very good call.

Last but not least, I decided to make aFerrero Rocher-like ganache to garnish the top of my cake, and then I finished things off with generous swirls of the mostinsanely fudgy Nutella ganache.Each of these decadent swirlsthen got crownedwith its very ownFerrero Rocher.

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This heavenly cake I madefor my son-in-law’s birthday this year, at his request (well, I’d asked him what kind of cake he wanted, you know. It’s not like he went “hey, mom-in-law, I demand that you make me this cake for my birthday”) and I seriously couldn’t have been happier with his choice.Honestly, this has got to beone of the best cheesecakes I’ve had to this day. Well, as far as “chocolate flavored” cheesecakes go, that is.

My daughter still thinks that the Chocolate and Salted Caramel Cheesecakethat I’d made for her boyfriend last year tops them all, but I’m not sure. Maybe I’d have to make another one, just to see…

For now, my vote definitely goes to Mr.Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake. It is so devilishly creamy, so rich, solusciously smooth and velvety… just one bite will definitely send you straight to seventh heaven!

If you have a Ferrero Rocher lover in your life, make this for them. They’ll probably want to marry you for it!

Step-by-step instructions with pictures immediately follow recipe


Line the bottom of a 9” springform pan with parchment paper.

To do that, I like to remove the outer ring and cover the bottom with parchment paper;I then fold the excess paper back under the plate and, while holding it in place with one hand, put the ring back in its position with the other hand. Finally, I bring the excess paper back from under the pan without cutting it off. This method not only prevents the cake from sticking to the pan, but it also contains any eventual leakage.

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And now, for some actual food making…

Combine the graham cracker crumbs, slightly crushed Rice Krispies cereal, chopped hazelnuts and sugar together in a large mixing bowl.

Then, in another, smaller bowl, combine the butter and Nutella and place them in the microwave for 30 to 45 seconds; mix them with a whisk until they are well combined and pour this dreamy mixture over the reserved dry ingredients.

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Mix with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula until all the ingredients are evenly combined.

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Next, press the mixture firmly at the bottom and about 3/4 of the way up the side of the prepared pan.

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For this particular cake, Idecided that I wanted my crust to have a very clean top edge. While this is entirely optional, if you also wanted to go for the clean edge look, all you need to do is flatten thetop with the tip of your fingers while supporting the side with your other hand.

I wish I could’ve taken a picture to demonstrate that, but I was kind of short one hand…

Since we’re not going to blind bake this crust.; you can just set it aside for now.


Preheat your oven to 350°F and bring about 4 cups of water to the boil; you’ll be using it later to make a “double-boiler”for your cake.

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Before you get started with beating the cream cheese and all, it may be a good idea to prep all the ingredients you’ll be needing, first.

Start by melting a half cup of finely chopped semi-sweet chocolate, weigh/measure a cup and a half of Nutella (yes, I know that’s a lot, but we want that cake to taste reeeeeaally good, don’t we?), crack 5 eggs into a little bowl and then measure 3 tablespoons of corn starch.

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Next, combine 3 packages of cream cheese, 1 cup of sour cream, 3/4 cupof granulated sugar, 1/3 cup of whippingcreamand one tablespoon of vanilla extract directly into the bowl of your food processor.

Process until smooth and creamy and completely lump free, which should take about 3 minutes. Of course, you’ll want to stop the motor andscrape the bowl once or twiceduring the process, to make sure that every last bit gets mixed in.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (10)

Now add the eggs, all at once, and resume processing until they are well combined.

You could also throw them down the feeding tube while the motor was running; that way, you wouldn’t even need to stop the motor and remove the lid!

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Once the eggs have been well incorporated, stop the motor, scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl reallywell, add the corn starch and then resume beating until it gets well incorporated;this shouldn’t take more than30 seconds.

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Time to add the Nutella and melted chocolate!!! YUMMERS!

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (13)

Give that filling a final spin,for about 30 seconds this time again, just until the newly added deliciousness gets blended in.

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Now grab yourprepared pan and place itover a large piece of aluminum foil (you could even use 2 layers of foil if that made you feel safer), and then fold the foil over the pan so its exterior is completely covered; this will prevent any water from getting into the pan.

Then,place this rig onto a broiler pan.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (15)

Pour the Nutella cheesecake batter over the prepared crust…

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… and then spread itevenlyandall the way to the edge.

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Next, delicately pour enough boiling water into the broiler pan so it goes up about 3/4 of the way up the side of saidbroiler pan.

Delicately place that entire rig onto the middle rack of your oven and bake your cake for 25 minutes at 350°F. Then, decrease the oven temperature to 250°F and continue baking your cake for a further 75 minutes.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (18)

When your cheesecake is fully baked, turn off the oven and crack the door open about an inch. Leave the cake in the oven, undisturbed, for about 1 hour, or until it’s cool enough to be handled with your bare hands, and then slide it out of the oven to finish cooling.

Once it’scompletely cooled, run a thin spatula or knife around the rim and refrigerate your cake, uncovered, for at least 6 hours but preferably overnight.


Once your cake is completely chilled, take it out of the fridge but don’t remove it from the pan just yet.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (19)

Combine the finely chopped semi-sweet chocolate, Nutella, whipping cream and butter in a fairly large, microwave-safe bowl.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (20)

Heatthis in the microwave for 1 minute, then allow the mixture to rest for 1 full minute and then stir delicately for 1 full minute.

At this point, there should still be lumps in your ganache, so you’re gonnawant to repeat this entire process one more time.

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After the second pass ofheating, resting and stirring for one full minute each, yourganache should be completely smooth and lusciouslycombined.

However, IF there were still a few lumps remaining, repeat the process once again but for no longer than 20 seconds this time; continue doing that until the ganache is fully smooth and silky.

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Now you’ll want to reserve about 1 cup of that ganache into a small bowl and place it in the refrigerator to set. You’ll want to leave it in there until it has the consistency of thick, fudgy frosting, which should take about 3 hours. Stir your ganache from time to time to check for consistency.

Pictured above is what your reserved ganache will look like after spending about 3 hours in the fridge.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (23)

But we’re not gonna wait until that ganache is fully set to continue working on our cake..

While that ganache is chilling, add the chopped hazelnuts to the remaining ganache that’s left in the firstbowl

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Stir until the nuts are well incorporated;

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Immediately pour that ganache over the chilled cake and spread it evenly all the way to the edge.

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Send your cake to the fridge until thetopis fully set – which it should be way before the reserved ganache is ready to use, but hey… they’ll keep each other company.

And yeah, this time we need to wait… it’s only 3 little hours, though. They’ll be over before you know it.


When your ganache is ready to use and the top of your cake is fully set, carefully remove the ring from around the cheesecake but leavethe cakeon the parchment paper.

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Put the now fudgy Nutella ganache in a pastry bag bag equipped with a medium open star tipand pipe 12 generous swirls around the top of the cake and 1 right in the center.

Place a Ferrero Rocher on top of each swirl.

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If you want to(and if you have a little bit of that fudgy ganache left after piping the swirls), prepare a piping cone out of parchment paper and then melt a few tablespoons of the leftover ganache in the microwave — it will only take 3-4 seconds.

Pour the melted ganacheinto your parchment paper cone and then drizzle a little bit of that melted ganache over each Ferrero Rocher.

Note that you could also use a squeeze bottle instead of the parchment paper cone, but squeeze bottles don’t really work quite sowell when dealing with such small quantities.

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (29)

Place your now finished Nutella Cheesecake onto a cake plateand then send it back to the refrigeratoruntil you’re just aboutready to serveit.

Like all cheesecakes,this oneneeds to be kept in refrigeratedbut I strongly suggest that you take it out of the fridge aboutan hour prior to serving it.It’ll be SO MUCH silkier and creamier. And you’ll be able to appreciate its flavor to its full potential.

Trust me on that one!

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Until you get to make your own, though, it is my pleasure to present you with the next best thing: you get to pretend like this slice was yours, and it was actually YOUR fork digging in…

Amazing, isn’t it?

Sorry, not sorry!

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Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (32)

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Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (34)


Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake

Yield: Serves 12

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  1. Line the bottom of a 9” springform pan with parchment paper. To do that, remove the ring and cover the bottom with parchment paper. Fold the excess paper back under the plate and, while holding it in place with one hand, put the ring back in its position with the other hand. Bring the excess paper back from under the pan but do not cut it off.
  2. Combine the graham cracker crumbs, Rice Krispies, chopped hazelnuts and sugar together in a large mixing bowl.
  3. In another, smaller bowl, combine the butter and nutella and place them in the microwave for 30 to 45 seconds; mix with a whisk until well combined and pour over the reserved dry ingredients. Mix until evenly combined and press the mixture firmly at the bottom and about 3/4 of the way up the side of the prepared pan. Set aside.

  5. Preheat your oven to 350°F and bring about 4 cups of water to the boil; you'll be using it later to make a bain-marie for your cake.
  6. Combine the cream cheese, sour cream, granulated sugar, whipping cream and vanilla extract in the bowl of your food processor. Process until the mixture is super smooth and creamy and completely lump free, about 3 minutes. Stop the motor to scrape the sides once or twice, as needed, to make sure that every last bit gets incorporated.
  7. Add the eggs, all at once, and resume processing until they are well combined. You could also throw them down the feeding tube while the motor was running, if that was easier for you.
  8. Stop the motor, scrape the sides well, add the corn starch and resume beating until it gets well incorporated, about 30 seconds.
  9. Add the nutella and melted chocolate and process one last time, for about 30 seconds, until well incorporated.
  10. Place the prepared pan (with the crust in it) over a piece of aluminum foil and fold the foil over the pan so its exterior is completely covered; this will prevent water from getting into the pan. Now place this rig into a broiler pan and pour the cheesecake batter over the prepared crust. Spread the batter evenly, all the way to the edge.
  11. Next, delicately pour enough boiling water into the broiler pan so it goes up about 3/4 of the way up the side of the broiler pan. Place that rig onto the middle rack of your oven and bake your cake for 25 minutes at 350°F. Then, decrease the temperature to 250°F and continue baking your cake for a further 75 minutes.
  12. Turn off the oven and crack the door open about an inch. Leave the cake in the oven, undisturbed, for about 1 hour, or until it's cool enough to be handled with your bare hands, and then slide it out of the oven.
  13. When the cheesecake is completely cooled, run a thin spatula or knife around the rim and refrigerate uncovered for at least 6 hours, but preferably overnight.

  15. Once your cake is completely chilled, take it out of the fridge but don't remove it from the pan.
  16. Combine the finely chopped chocolate, Nutella, whipping cream and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat in the microwave for 1 minute, allow the mixture to rest for 1 full minute and then stir delicately for 1 full minute. Repeat the process one more time, heating, resting and stirring for one full minute. At this point, the ganache should be completely smooth and combined, but if there were still lumps remaining, repeat the process again but for no longer than 20 seconds this time; continue doing that until the ganache is smooth and silky.
  17. Reserve about 1 cup of that ganache into a small bowl and place it in the refrigerator (you'll want to leave it there until it has the consistency of fudgy frosting, about 3 hours. Stir from time to time to check for consistency.)
  18. Meanwhile, add the chopped hazelnuts to the rest of the ganache and stir until well incorporated; pour over the cake and spread it evenly all the way to the egde. Return the cake to the fridge until the ganache is set.

  20. Carefully remove the ring from around the cheesecake but leave it on the parchment paper.
  21. Put the now fudgy nutella ganache in a pastry bag bag equipped with a medium open star tip) and pipe 12 generous swirls around the top of the cake and 1 in the center. Place a Ferrero Rocher on top of each swirl.
  22. If desired (and if you have a little bit of that fudgy ganache left), prepare a piping cone out of parchment paper and then melt a few tablespoons of leftover ganache in the microwave - it will only take 3-4 seconds. Pour it into your parchment paper cone and then drizzle a little bit more of the now melted ganache over each Ferrero Rocher. Note that you could also use a squeeze bottle instead of the parchment paper cone, but that doesn’t work quite as well when dealing with such small quantities.
  23. Place your now finished cake onto a cake plate; keep refrigerated until about an hour prior to serving.

Copyright My Evil Twin's Kitchen - All Rights Reserved

Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake • My Evil Twin's Kitchen (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.