Free Crochet Pattern for the "F-Bomb" (2024)

Free Crochet Pattern for the "F-Bomb" (1)

I have seen pictures of these F-Bombs floating around for a little while now. I've really wanted to make them, but without an actual reason, my other priorities took precedent. Well, I finally had someone order some of them, because, well, they are AWESOME! I was so excited to get started, but as usual, when searching for patterns, I couldn't find one that I loved. So in true "The Crocheting Mom" fashion, I decided to make my own!

For this pattern I like to do the F first, so that when I get to towards the top of the bomb, I can have it ready to sew one.

Red Heart With Love Black
Red Heart With Love Holly
Red Heart With Love White
Vanna's Choice Heather
Small amount of red, orange and yellow
G/4.0 Crochet hook
Crochet sewing needle

With Red
Ch 8
Row 1: Sc in 2nd st and in each st across, turn (7)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn (7)
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in next 2, turn (2)
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in next 2, turn (2)
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in next 2, ch 4, turn (6)
Row 6: (no chain here), sc in 2nd ch, sc in next 2 ch, sc in next 2 st, turn (5)
Row 7: Ch 1, sc in next 5 st (5)
Row 8: (no chain here), sl st in first 3 st, (sl st, Ch 1, AND sc in next st), sc in last, turn (2)
Row 9: Ch 1, sc in next 2, turn (2)
Row 10: Ch 1, sc in next 2, turn (2)
Row 11: Ch 1, sc in next 2. (2)
Tie off and leave a long tail for sewing onto the bomb.

**I do not join these because I don't like the way the seam looks. If you're a master at making it look seemless, go for it!**
With Black
Round 1: Magic ring with 6 sc (6)
Round 2: 2sc in each st around (12)
Round 3: *2sc in next, sc in next* repeat 6 times (18)
Round 4: *sc in next 2, 2sc in next* repeat 6 times (24)
Round 5: *2sc in next, sc in next 3* repeat 6 times (30)
Round 6: *sc in next 4, 2sc in next* repeat 6 times (36)
Round 7: sc in each st around (36)
Round 8: *2sc in next, sc in next 5* repeat 6 times (42)
Round 9: sc in each st around (42)
Round 10: *2sc in next, sc in next 6* repeat 6 times (48)
Rounds 11-14: sc in each st around (48)
Round 15: *sc dec, sc in next 6* repeat 6 times (42)
Round 16: sc in each st around (42)
Round 17: *sc in next 5, sc dec* repeat 6 times (36)
Round 18: sc in each st around (36)
Round 19: *sc dec, sc in next 4* repeat 6 times (30)
**This is where I sew my F on. You can place it in the middle and still easily get into the inside to sew it. ** If you prefer to sew it after your bomb is closed, that's okay too**
Round 20: *sc in next 3, sc dec* repeat 6 times (24)
Round 21: *sc dec, sc in next 2* repeat 6 times (18)
Round 22: *sc in next, sc dec* repeat 6 times (12)
Round 23: sc dec around 6 times (6)
Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail, and weave through those last 6 stitches and pull tight. Tie off.

Free Crochet Pattern for the "F-Bomb" (2)

With Silver
Round 1: Magic ring with 6 sc, join (6)
Round 2: 2sc in each st around , join (12)
Round 3: *2sc in next, sc in next 3* repeat around, join (15)
Round 4: In Back Loops Only - Ch 1, sc in each st around, join (15)
Round 5: Ch 1, sc in each st around (15)
Round 6: Ch 1, sc in each st around (15)
Leave a long tail for sewing onto the bomb

With White
Ch 7, turn,
Sc in 2nd st and each one across (6)
Leave a long tail for tying onto the top

Take 8 inches of red, yellow, and orange. Sew it through the top of the wick and knot it off. With the remaining hanging pieces, separate the 4 plys and kind of rub them between your fingers. They more they are blended together, the more they look like a flame.

Free Crochet Pattern for the "F-Bomb" (3)

There you have it, a perfectly made F-Bomb. These little balls of joy are perfect for that most frustrating moment, when you still want to be professional. Throw it at a coworker, have a snowball fight of sorts, toss it at your kids when they are being jerks (just kidding, kind of!). Whatever your need, I'm sure these bombs will help you out in many ways. Enjoy!

Free Crochet Pattern for the "F-Bomb" (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.