PowerSchool/Magnus Health Portal - Chaminade High School (2024)

Click here to access the Parent Portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the web address for accessing the Parent Portal?
  • When do I need to create a parent account?
  • How do I create a parent account?
  • What is PowerSchool used for?
  • Where do I approve the courses my son will be taking?
  • Where do I view report cards?
  • Where do I change my email address, username, or password for the Parent Portal?
  • How do I add another student to PowerSchool?
  • How do I connect to Magnus?
  • What do I need to use Magnus for?
  • What if I forget my username or password?
  • My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced. Can we get another parent username and password for our child's account?
  • What are some helpful hints for creating my Parent Portal credentials?

What is the web address for accessing the Parent Portal?


When do I need to create a parent account?

Create a parent account, using a one-time access web ID and password provided by Chaminade. This is done once for each parent or guardian Freshman Yearto be used for all future logins.

How do I create a parent account?

Click here for instructions on creating your parent account.

What is PowerSchool used for?

PowerSchool is used for course requests, connecting to Magnus, and viewing the report card.

Where do I approve the courses my son will be taking?

The Class Registration tab in PowerSchool is used all fouryears to approve course requests.

Where do I view report cards?

The Report Card tab in PowerSchool. Report cards are only available during progress and trimester/semester grading terms. No hard copies will be provided. Using the PowerSchool App on a phone or tablet is not recommended. The report card is customized by Chaminade and will only be available on a computer.

Where do I change my email address, username, or password for the Parent Portal?

The Account Preferences tab in PowerSchool is used to change an email address, username, or password.

How do I add another student to PowerSchool?

The Student tab is used to add more students. A new Access ID and Access password is needed for incoming freshman siblings. If you are a parent of an incoming freshman, your Access ID and Access password will be provided to you in an email after registration.

How do I connect to Magnus?

Click the first arrow on the top right side of the screen, then click Magnus Health. Using the PowerSchool App on a phone or tablet is not recommended. Linking to Magnus must be done on a computer.

What do I need to use Magnus for?

Magnus is used for uploading health forms, school forms, and athletic update forms.

  • Health forms: Physical Form, Immunization Record, Vital Health Record, and Medication Authorization Form
  • School forms: Parent Permission to Use Vehicles, Treasurer's Office Tuition Scholarship Registration Form, Handbook Signature Card, and Emergency Medical Permission
  • Athletic update forms: Each season, used by parents of athletes trying out for a fall, winter, and spring sport.

What if I forget my username or password?

If you have already registered for the Chaminade PowerSchool Portal, click on Forgot Username or Password: https://ps-chaminade-hs.org/public/account_recovery_begin.html

My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced. Can we get another parent username and password for our child's account?

Yes, both parents can create a PowerSchool account using your son's setup credentials. (Student Name, Web Access ID, and Password.)

If you do not have your son's setup credentials, please feel free to email us at powerschool@chaminade-hs.org.

What are some helpful hints for creating my Parent Portal credentials?

  • You must create a new username and password to connect to Chaminade. (with no spaces)
  • Do not use a PowerSchool account from another school.
  • Please make sure you are going to the correct web site: https://ps-chaminade-hs.org/public/home.html
  • Please follow the instructions step by step. You must use a computer, not a tablet or phone.
  • Do not copy and paste the WEB Access ID and password for your son. You must type it in.
  • The WEB Access ID starts with the letter G.
  • Please be cautious of typing lower case letters l (L) and the number one (1).
  • Please be cautious of typing in zeros and upper and lower case letters (O).
  • The pattern of the password is (number upper lower lower lower lower upper number)
  • Please check your junk or spam folder if you do not receive verification emails in your inbox.

If you are having trouble logging into PowerSchool, please email us atpowerschool@chaminade-hs.org

If you have trouble once logged into Magnus, click on "Need Help?" or contact support by phone at (877) 461-6831.

In the event that you are unable to access the portal, you may find the Certificate of Immunization Form, Health Exam Form, and Medical Permission Request Formhere.

PowerSchool/Magnus Health Portal - Chaminade High School (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.